Mirror of educational relationships

“Relationship is the “medium” of learning. Relationships are made of interactions, based on verbal and non-verbal communication. There is no doubt that communication is namely the basis for creating and maintaining relationships. In general, it is not possible to make any stable contact with learner and its environment without the ability to interact.” – Andrea Mewaldt
This method will help you to understand how you are creating educational relationships.
Why did I choose this tool?
This tool will allow the trainers to analyse the educational relationships in which they were learning. It will allow to reflect what kind of relationship the trainer wants to build with his participants. The trainer will create guidelines which will help him in the future to build relationships with his participants.
How does this apply to being a trainer?
To create an efficient learning atmosphere trainer has to create a relationship with participants based on trust, respect and mutual interest.
Main content:
Look in to the mirror and find out how you build your educational relationship
- Try to remember a very positive educational relationship where you were in the role of a learner and the other person was in the role of an educator.
- Think about how you felt in this relationship?
- What did the educator do, to make you feel like this ?
- Reflect on a couple more educational relationships you had. It can be both positive and not positive educational relationships.
- Make a list what is a quality educational relationship, based on analysis of your relationships as a learner with an educator?
- Read the text on pages 30-36 of “Hand book for people working with youth groups, non-formal education practice in Lithuania” which reveals the principles of building a relationship.
Available online: https://neformaliai.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/handbook-for-people-working-with-youth-groups-en-web-version.pdf
- Reflect how you build relationships with your learners? What are your strengths? What techniques do you use?
- Set 3 goals that you have to improve as an educator when you are building relationships with participants.
- It is possible to implement this activity with a colleague or in a small group.
Reflection questions
- Who are my role models in the field of education?
- What is important for me as a learner in educational relationship?
- What is important for me as a trainer in educational relationships with my participants?
- How can I build stronger relationships with my participants?
Try to apply the principles of building a relationship with your participants and mentees.
Reflect with participants after the training course about how they experience the educational relationship with you.